Friday, May 05, 2006


Mmmmrr. Alright.

It's finally the weekend, and not a moment too soon. Whew.

I of course, am doing the same usual shit; listening to music, along doodling a few things. I'm in a fairly decent mood.

Do do doo.

I've been listening to Children of Bodom a lot these past few days. Don't exactly know why.

Hmm, well, school is basically the same old shit, blah blah Blahharrr. Nothing too drastic happening... Well, not that I know of.

But, I do find it funny when people can change so quickly. Hm. Here. Let me give you an example..

Pretend there's a 'boy' and he's just like any other dude. One day, he finds out that a certain group of people appear to him as 'cool' or 'popular', so he changes himself in order to become that certain label. Therefore, he's trying to become something he isn't. Lear labels these losers as 'Posers/Ugly People'. Then, if that group thing isn't working out, he switches yet again.

You see, Lear hates those kinds of people; who change their minds quickly, so they don't get singled out. C'mon people. Gosh. Just be yourself. Gah. I can't stress enough of this. -Shakes fist-

Anyhoo. Hrm. For now everything seems well, like I stated before. But a tad bit confused, from some information I received today. I sure hope it turns out well. I really don't want anyone to be suffering over my decision.

Meh hehh. I sure hope this weekend turns out good - Finally, some decent Sleep-Time.



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