Saturday, December 02, 2006

Oh blah.

Monday, November 20, 2006

I really hoped it wouldn't have to come to this...
Argg...And I had the worst dream ever..
I don't know where I was, but he was there also.. So I go into his room, smacking the door with my hand as I passed in..Just to find him in bed with another girl.Stroking her hair ever-so slowly..lovingly..thoughtfully..... He then began to yell at me, and soon found him trying to shoot me.. All I remember is him shooting me in the leg, then I woke up. For some reason I felt ugly, and horrible inside about my dream..Because I've forgotten it...But when I finally remembered it..Argg...I felt horrible....
I wishh it would just end...Likee..He doesn't understandd...I fucking love him to bits..Argg..What's the point..He's not going to read t his.
I...I just want to be with him....Oh God..

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I finally moved.
Some...Situations happened.. Some that are...yarr.
So, I've been feeling horrible.
Nothing seems right. Nothing's going right. Everything is justt fucking lovely. I basically hate school, hate this, hate that, blah blah blah.
It gets pretty depressing when I pray everynight, wishing to drop dead. I feel useless, pathetic, depressed...Need I explain more?
I'm fucking miserable.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Oh Dear.

Hmm. So. Alike to my post below, I'm having friend issues.

Oh happy day!

Yes yes. I'm starting to actually hold grudges against. Sooo basically, to sum it all up, I hate them. Wait. Scratch that. I loathe them.

Well, first it started off at Math. Yay math. So, onward, the teacher said we had to work in a group of 4. So yarr, I was thinking I'd be left alone, because everyone else would find a group, blah blah blah.

But appearentlty, Stacey drug me into her group. Hm so, we had to hand in one paper. I was the writer. I was the thinker, with a bit of help from Stacey. The rest of the group did diddly shit. How nice of them.

They were running about the room, talking to other people. Oh dear! Talking to people is extremely more important than helping Leah! Oh my.

-.- Insolent little bitches.

Then, Stacey leaves me, so I get to finish the whole damn thing by myself.

I was extremely tempted to erase their God-Forsaken names off the page.

I know I may be a bit over-reacting, but I've been going through a lot of shit these past few months, and I can't/won't tolerate anybody.

My patience is worn down quite a bit.



Saturday, May 27, 2006


Well. This week has been.... Oddly I should say.

Things don't feel entirely the same. And the days go by ever so slowly. Gosh. I hate it when it's like this.

The past few weeks I've been kind of avoiding my friends.... ; I'm becoming more and more of an anti-social.

Ah. Oh well. It'll soon be over.

Hmm. Soo. I've been drawing a lot more now; putting pictures on DeviantArt almost everyday now. Makes me feel a tad bit special when people comment on them. ;D

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I really like to shower with my socks on.

For some reason, I always forget to take them off.


;D I'm quite a jealous little bitch. I've just noticed that.

Go me.

-Pom poms- RAWr B.I.T.C.u.i.y.r.

That's right. It's because I'm having an affair with those letters.


Monday, May 22, 2006

Hm hmm.

Welllll....... This post might be a tad bit long. o.<

The last post stated that I lost Little Buddy - but the next day she came back.

I was rather glad that she did, because I was so freakin' worried about that dumb whore. Anyhoo, a lot happened since then. We decided to give her away to my Aunt, because she wants to be outside more frequently - which I understand, but basically, all the time she wants out there, and has nothing to do with us. ; So yarr, we made arrangements with my Aunt to drop her at her house {Which is a farm...}. Soo, I wasn't expecting anything to happen over the weekend; thinking I was just going to stay here and stare at the wall, but my Father got asked to work overtime at work, so, since my Mother was working over the weekend, Father thought he might as well too. SOooo he of course, drags Megan and Me along with him, for the trip. We took Little Buddy with us, and dropped her off at my Aunt's. Gosh. It feels odd just, up and dumping her off at someone's house. Extremely odd.... It's like as if it hasn't really, regestured in my mind yet. ;

But anyhooo, we got our little fuzzy dog-like-thing, and it's adorable as Hell. We don't have a name for him yet, but I'll call him Puppeh for now. ;D

Anyhooo, yarr. During the week, I usually have something to look forward to; so the days don't drag by so slowly. But recently, I don't have anything to look forward to. It's quite depressing actually.

Meh hehhh. A distant cousin of mine was killed in a car crash - ditch jumpin'. Gosh. That's just sick. He was thrown out of the vehicle, and basically was brain dead, which ment he was already doomed for Death. But, at first, the other people in the vehicle couldn't find the boy. Appearently he was thrown out a good ways from the car. And all of this happened, right inside town. That disgusts me. I feel sorry for the boy - because if he would of wore his seatbelt, alike to the other people in the car, he would of lived. But nooo. Someone has to learn a lesson - so their friend dies. Gosh. The funeral is going to be on this Tuesday, after Victoria Day, but I couldn't force myself to go to it.

Mmhmm. Soo, I have the For Sale sign on my house. Gosh. Just looking out at it makes me feel so shitty. Yes. I still haven't come to realization that we're moving. I don't know what's wrong with me lately; I tend to ignore matters. I'm in a constant blah mood. Perhaps when school's over and shit, I can finally relax and think about the move. I hate to say this, but I actually want to. I don't really have any good.... Relationships with people here, like Coronach, I had lots of friends I would have hated to part with. People here are just... People. Maybe it's because people don't usually awknowledge me, so that's probably for the best; so I don't get too attached. Well, I was attached to a few people awhile ago, but now, I don't socialize much, so we've kind of drifted apart. Like I said before, that's probably for the best.