Monday, May 29, 2006

Oh Dear.

Hmm. So. Alike to my post below, I'm having friend issues.

Oh happy day!

Yes yes. I'm starting to actually hold grudges against. Sooo basically, to sum it all up, I hate them. Wait. Scratch that. I loathe them.

Well, first it started off at Math. Yay math. So, onward, the teacher said we had to work in a group of 4. So yarr, I was thinking I'd be left alone, because everyone else would find a group, blah blah blah.

But appearentlty, Stacey drug me into her group. Hm so, we had to hand in one paper. I was the writer. I was the thinker, with a bit of help from Stacey. The rest of the group did diddly shit. How nice of them.

They were running about the room, talking to other people. Oh dear! Talking to people is extremely more important than helping Leah! Oh my.

-.- Insolent little bitches.

Then, Stacey leaves me, so I get to finish the whole damn thing by myself.

I was extremely tempted to erase their God-Forsaken names off the page.

I know I may be a bit over-reacting, but I've been going through a lot of shit these past few months, and I can't/won't tolerate anybody.

My patience is worn down quite a bit.




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